Writing Portfolio

Below are samples of my writing, editing, and graphic design:

A sample Technical Manual produced from a model airplane kit:

A recipe from my print book Food Culture in the Caribbean, which I rendered in XML:

A sample repair guide:

Press releases for books produced by my small press (Five Oaks Press):

Sample of content writing for a recovery website (SEO optimization):

A blog post about the economics of small press publishing:

Examples of tutoring I’ve done for the Sacred Heart University Online Writing Center

Here are edits I made to drafts of articles written by staff authors for an online recovery magazine (additions are in red, text I have moved is in green, and deletions, changes, and questions to the author are logged in the right-hand margin):

Excerpts from books I co-authored with two graduate students:

Excerpts from my book on Caribbean food:

An excerpt from my doctoral dissertation (including Appendix D, which explains the process by which I conducted ethnographic interviews):

Book covers I’ve designed:

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Blog at WordPress.com.