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Order a copy of The Mauled Keeper, published by Main Street Rag Publishing Company. This collection, which examines the power dynamics of human-animal relationships, was a runner-up in the Cathy Smith Bowers contest, a runner-up in the New England Book Festival, and is a Montaigne Medal finalist.

Read individual poems from this collection:

“Insomnia,” “Werewoman,” and “When one Door Closes,” Marathon Literary Journal

“Before the Sting,” South 85 Journal

“Don’t Expect the Sun Again Until Next Thursday,” Hermes

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Click above to purchased a signed copy! This chapbook was the winner of the inaugural chapbook contest of the Heartland Review Press.

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This is a book of erasure poems from the texts of the linguist Stephen Pinker.

Here is a poem from this book that was published in the Ocean State Review in 2016:

Zero Shades of Grey

You can push her mouth open to drink her,
find melted butter. A girl can only giggle,
sparkle your table with classic glassware.

It’s decided: we won’t let them drive, vote,
or go to school. They can be flummoxed
by no-brainer tasks like sorting beads.

We know that this experience must include
silence, a shepherd’s hut, the king’s curiosity.
Raise them silently in dark rooms and attics,

the outcome is always the same: that tired dichotomy.
The erotic side of man has called forth so much
more discussion than has his appetite for food.

The reason is this: while the urge to eat
is a personal matter, sex involves another individual.
It is this other individual that causes all the trouble.

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Order a copy of The Clever Dream of Man (Aldrich Press, 2015), a book of poems about male-female relationships in all their forms. This work won 1st place in the Connecticut Press Club’s 2016 literary competition and went on to take 2nd place in the National Federation of Press Women’s book awards. The Clever Dream of Man was also listed among the top 30 must-read debut poetry collections of 2015 by the Literary Hub and was a finalist for the Indie Excellence Award.

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Order a copy of The Poet’s Playground, a book of poetry prompts for beginners that includes examples from my own publications and advice about publishing your work.

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